The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Infant Daycare in Kuala Lumpur

No.1 Child Care Centre in Malaysia

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Infant Daycare in Kuala Lumpur

January 20, 2020 Uncategorized 0

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Infant Daycare in Kuala Lumpur

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Infant Daycare in Kuala Lumpur

You want the most affordable, highest quality infant daycare, that’s as close to your home or work as humanly possible.

It’s not too much to ask, is it? Until you start doing your research. The options can suddenly seem overwhelming and stress starts creeping in. Choosing a child care centre for your little one is an important decision. In fact, it is the most important influence on a child’s development is where and how they spend their early years. 

At the early stage of infancy, it is important for them to develops positive stimulation, learning, and nurturing during this time is vital in a child’s mental and emotional health. It’s your child’s early experiences that will have a lasting impact on their future habits and resilience.

In fact, while choosing a high-quality infant daycare, parents should focus on the environment that supports infants’ and toddlers’ development, engagement, and overall well-being. A  daycare centre’s careful thought and planning for infants can facilitate the development of positive relationships with nurturing, responsive adults who support their learning and development.

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Infant Daycare in Kuala Lumpur

This is Why Choosing a Quality Infant Daycare Centre in Kuala Lumpur is Essential.

A caring, stimulating environment wit happy kids is important when you choose your infant daycare. For instance, you’ll feel it right when you walk in the door because first impressions really are everything. Infant daycare should have a vibrant, clean and fun space for your child where they have age-appropriate environments for each stage. Hence, when you’re feeling really great about the environment, you can probably imagine your child there.


One of the most important considerations when choosing an infant daycare is to ensure young children’s health and safety. Safe settings ensure that infants and toddlers can explore freely, which in turn supports their developing sense of self. It also supports the centre as a caregiver where they have more opportunities to interact with and respond to them. A healthy environment decreases the possibility of contracting and spreading illness and enhances infants’ and toddlers’ overall well-being.

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Infant Daycare in Kuala Lumpur

Decide The Type of Infant Daycare Service You Are Looking For

Child care is regulated in Singapore by the Childcare Centre Act 1984, who oversee key aspects of children’s development below the age of seven. Child care centres in Kuala Lumpur typically cater to children 18 months and up, although there are some services available to cater for infants as young as months. Since child care centres cater to working parents, they are run all-day and may also be open for half-days on weekends. Before choosing a childcare centre, make sure you know exactly what you’re looking for and how your personal schedules or work requirements will impact on when and for how long your child will need to be taken care of.


In this case, the daycare for infant program should be designed to develop an awareness of both self and the world around the young child, within a warm, caring and family-based environment because it helps the infant to develop one-on-one relationships and experience face-to-face interactions while increasing their trust in a secure learning environment.

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Infant Daycare in Kuala Lumpur

Licensing Is The First Step In Quality Care of An Infant Daycare in Kuala Lumpur. 

Licensing is the legal state requirements and accreditation is a higher bar. Childcare licensing assurances that childcare facilities fulfil health and safety standards. For instance, it has basic legal requirements for operating a daycare, so being licensed is non-negotiable. But whether or not a great daycare centre also needs to be accredited is completely up to you and may depend on availability in your area. However, with licensing, it ensures you that the daycare centre is safe and abides by all official regulations. 

Get Qualified Infant Caregivers in Kuala Lumpur Who Care.

Basic certification is a must-have for most caregivers or daycare centre. Most of the caregivers should have degrees related to early childhood development or be in the process of obtaining one, with at least two years of university. And most importantly, they have trained in CPR and any other emergency procedures. Getting a daycare is like getting someone to be a partner with you in caring for and educating your children. However, beyond interacting with the children, you must feel comfortable with the caregivers. 

While choosing an infant daycare in Kuala Lumpur may be a heart-pounding option for many parents, there are clear evidence children will benefit over the long term. Finding a quality daycare centre where children are supported, engaged, encouraged and exposed to a positive attitude can help babies and toddlers set the groundwork for later intellectual strides. As kids learn to problem-solve and interact positively with other kids and adults, their parents can get to know one another and increase the social capital they hold in their community.

An Infant Daycare in Kuala Lumpur with Clear Nutrition Policy and is Particular on the Hygiene. 

Moreover, most daycare centre should have daily temperature checks and hand sanitisation upon entrance as well as frequent hand washing and diaper changing. This is because most parents notice that their children fall ill frequently when starting care. Hence, they should be aware whether the centre does to prevent the spread of illnesses such as HFMD (hand, foot and mouth diseases, influenza or others).

In fact, most of the children in daycare are often more willing to try nutritious foods where daycare staff talk with the kids about the healthy foods they are eating. Hence, their willingness to try on more foods helps parents try to introduce those foods in a meal later on. 

Nevertheless, choosing a child care program is one of the most important yet difficult decision parents will make. Parents have to make time to visit several programs and spend time watching what happens in the program including asking lots of questions. Once you have visited and talked to the owner or director and the other adults who will be caring for and teaching your child, compare what you have seen and heard at each program to pick the best one for your family.