Choosing the Right Daycare

The Expectation when Choosing a Daycare
Parents all over the world face the same daunting task. The ‘bundle of joy’ has arrived. Next step? Likewise in Malaysia. We are bombarded by news, articles on child care, parenting and education. In the fast moving world of IT, you don’t necessarily need to google for information. It pops up in front of your computer, mobile phone or tablet. While preparing to write this week, I had three relevant articles to read and share.
Top Priority – Security in Daycare in Kuala Lumpur
A Post-graduate student of Universiti Malaya reminded us in her article ‘Make childcare more accessible’ of this horrendous and gruesome incident which took place in an unlicensed daycare Centre last year. She wrote:
“It has been a year since 5-month-old Adam Rayqal Mohd Sufi’s body was found stuffed in his babysitter’s freezer in Gombak.
If he was alive today, he would probably be walking, eating solids and have said his first words — milestones every parent eagerly anticipates.
He is not the only child Malaysia has failed. In the following months, reports of child abuse at the hands of irresponsible babysitters continued to make headlines.
Judging by these incidents, it appears that our society has a long way to go towards ensuring all parents have access to high-quality daycare.”
Yes, almost all people of a sound mind, if not all Malaysians and especially parents are in unison with the writer’s thoughts and laments. We pray that no such incidences of child abuse will rear its ugly head again. Certainly we concur that accessibility to quality childcare is the answer. However that require gigantic efforts from governmental policy and law makers and ultimately proper implementation and administration.
Solutions to Assist Parents to Daycare in Kuala Lumpur
Her full article is soul searching, with her comments and facts, which portrays the stark reality of our current situation. Please read on:
“Malaysians are quick to blame parents.
FIRST, for choosing to send their children to these unlicensed babysitters instead of regulated daycare institutions.
The Belanjawanku Reference Budget, launched by the Employees Provident Fund and Social Welfare Research Centre at Universiti Malaya earlier this year, said monthly childcare costs averaged RM650 for married couples with one or two children under age 6 — a huge sum for so many.
Given these financial constraints, who can blame desperate parents for making such decisions?
SECOND, mothers who prioritise working over staying at home are also condemned, even when the high costs of living force both parents to work.
This is in addition to the fact that caregiving responsibilities continue to be shouldered predominantly by women.
The Women, Family, and Community Development Ministry told parents to stop sending their children to unlicensed babysitters and made it mandatory for government offices to provide on-site taska. While these prompt responses are laudable, they mean little if economic circumstances force parents to choose cheaper options.
Government participation in Daycare Development vital
The government should explore subsidising daycare for working parents such as the Quebec childcare model.
Introduced in 1997, regulated childcare and family day homes operate on a sliding scale fee according to household income. Under this family-friendly policy, parents pay between RM23 and RM63 a day.
The Quebec childcare programme was found to have increased women’s participation in the labour force by nearly 20 percentage points between 1996 and 2016.
Given that 42.4 per cent of Malaysian women cite childcare as a reason for leaving the labour force, adopting this mechanism may encourage more women to re-enter the workforce and increase the country’s economic productivity.
Whatever the approach may be, policymakers must address the inaccessibility of high-quality childcare.
How many more children must suffer before this becomes a high-priority issue?”
A quick guide to choose a Daycare in Kuala Lumpur
So what’s the answer for now? Choose a proper licensed daycare Centre.
Why choose wisely?
- The future of child is at stake
- Wholehearted love for the child
5 things to consider
- Budget and location
- Counting the cost
- Daily travel logistic
- Time management
- Traffic conditions
- Safety, Health and Environment
- Visit and assess Centre
- CCTV Surveillance
- Safety SOP
- Accessible emergency exits
- Ground floor premises
- Real time monitoring
- Good housekeeping
3. Quality of caregivers/teachers
- Professionally trained
- Compassionate with children
- Courteous and disciplined
- School curriculum
- Proven international academic program
- Additional development activities
- Balance of work and play
- Parental partnership
- Effective communication
- Good teamwork
- Common goal
- Good relationships
Education and Best Daycare in Kuala Lumpur
The education ministry sent a glimpse of hope in its recent announcement presenting its statistics of a higher number enrolled of preschool. This augurs well in the government’s effort especially in its
Excerpt of recent report from Malaysian Education Ministry
On the report, Maszlee said there were several successes, including increased enrolment in national pre-schools from 84.3% in 2017 to 85.4% in 2018.
In addition, the “Sifar Cicir Murid” programme which targeted dropouts in both primary and secondary schools reduced dropout rates by 26.1% for secondary schools and 25.6% for primary schools.
He said via the 21st Century Learning (PAK 21) and Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), the ministry increased the number of HOTS schools that achieved “excellence” level to 67% (189 out of 282 schools) last year compared with 4.6% (13 out of 282 schools) in 2017.
An Inclusive Education?
Another food for thought! Notice the phrase “inclusive education” has become very fashionable these days. From parents to politicians and a fair few of us in the field of early childhood education, everyone seems to be smitten with the idea of achieving equity in education through the supposed magic pill that is mainstreaming “special needs” children.
Let me first state that education is a fundamental human right. The United Nations has codified it as such in its charter, and anyone with an ounce of intellect cannot dispute the starring role of education in raising the quality of life for individuals and society.
Let us hope our generations in the very near future will see a better and affordable Daycare Facilities in the country. Education is not education unless it ultimately produces thinking, thoughtful and wise people with character of integrity and good moral values.
At Polka Dot Bear, we have a vision to nurture the child to his/her uniqueness.
Thank you for reading or listening. Stay tuned
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